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Location: Luray, Virginia, United States

I have been a Technology Education instructor for 30+ years. In the Fall of 2016, I'll start my 8th year at Luray High School. I've been a TSA adviser for over 20 years and have have enjoyed blogging. I also am the lead mentor for our VEX Robotics team. I encourage parents to view what the students are doing.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The things that happen and the people you see.

Ok Courtney, just how did the paper pull off the skin from your lip?

Business of checking in on the scavanger hunt. Almost all troops had teams.

I think Troop 7 must be lost with only a couple scouts. They shared the pavillion with us and we saw their setup.

Steven did a fine job cooking hamburgers after Ron and Bernie decided we had gone through the leftovers in the trailer. They went to WalMart and get some real food. No more Oodles of noodles, instant oatmeal and hot water, Little Debbie snack cakes, and the like. I want meat and potatoes! Posted by Picasa


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