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Location: Luray, Virginia, United States

I have been a Technology Education instructor for 30+ years. In the Fall of 2016, I'll start my 8th year at Luray High School. I've been a TSA adviser for over 20 years and have have enjoyed blogging. I also am the lead mentor for our VEX Robotics team. I encourage parents to view what the students are doing.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Those Blue Angels!

Officers quarters for $7 a night was a steal. Luke found his spot while we sorted out who slept where. The next day we spent enjoying the vendors and planes.

Our leaders had to spend some quality time with a map to decide how in the world we could get home and still eat at the best restaurants too.

This motley crew all have sunglasses and caps that look alike courtesy of Black and Decker. The jet behind us was only one of the many we heard and saw that Saturday in the Oceania Air Show. Posted by Picasa


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