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Location: Luray, Virginia, United States

I have been a Technology Education instructor for 30+ years. In the Fall of 2016, I'll start my 8th year at Luray High School. I've been a TSA adviser for over 20 years and have have enjoyed blogging. I also am the lead mentor for our VEX Robotics team. I encourage parents to view what the students are doing.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Mountain Men

A few brave souls decided they wanted to go without bathing for a week, wear the same shirt, and make a knife other scouts could not carry around. Barry, Clay M, Andrew, and other goofy guy posed for me when I treked up to see what I could see. I heard they ate better than the base camp and did not seem to be bothered by working from sun up to sun down. keeping a fire going allthe time could get to be a drag I think. Posted by Picasa


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