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Location: Luray, Virginia, United States

I have been a Technology Education instructor for 30+ years. In the Fall of 2016, I'll start my 8th year at Luray High School. I've been a TSA adviser for over 20 years and have have enjoyed blogging. I also am the lead mentor for our VEX Robotics team. I encourage parents to view what the students are doing.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

One Big Kid

I got a photo of one big kid looking stupid or is this Stuart's normal pose? I do have an injury I'll make time to post. The patrol including, Nathan, had good experiences. They got a little jealous of the merit badges the other scouts were getting, and maybe a little scared of the Mountain Men and High Knollers. If it was not for the variety in our troop, we would be boring! The mom's make especially good photos. I'll be sure to include as many as I can get, permission or not. Posted by Picasa


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