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Location: Luray, Virginia, United States

I have been a Technology Education instructor for 30+ years. In the Fall of 2016, I'll start my 8th year at Luray High School. I've been a TSA adviser for over 20 years and have have enjoyed blogging. I also am the lead mentor for our VEX Robotics team. I encourage parents to view what the students are doing.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Camperee Comes Together

Lots of scouters are seen ready for the Sunday morning awards and sermon. We can all remember what was said. It seems every Sunday I hear, "This is the Day that the Lord hath made, let us be glad and rejoice it it." I heard it didn't say this is a good day or stress free day, but the day. I will rejoice in every sunrise I am given and then it is up to me to deal with it. We all say the same pledge, "On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and Country, to obey the scout law..." It is then up to all of us to do our very best in these matters. I beleive this is what separates Scouts from the rest of the world.

Don't you want to know what Richard is whispering to Travis?

You can count on Travis to help with cooking, clean-up and whatever else is asked of him. Travis is a true Scout!

We rejoiced in the evening Saturday to the Indian dancers. We were invited to join in and express our joy and reverance to things around us. Thank you Order of the Arrow. Posted by Picasa


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